Royal Oak - 7 photo's.

    Photo 3 above courtesy of Mr. Tom Redman.

   HMS Royal Oak was sunk at her moorings in Scapa Flow with a huge loss of life. after being torpedoed by Gunther Prien in U-47.
To view a website dedicated to all aspects of this tragic loss, hosted by Mr. Peter Rowlands, and to which I strongly recommend a visit,
"Click HERE".

"Click" on Images to enlarge.

"Click" on Images to enlarge.

The picture above, provided by Mr. Peter Rowlands, is an "Artists Impression" of her created from a set of "Sonar Survey Scans" carried out in 2006.
To view these scans, in a separate section on Peters Site, and to obtain further information as to her present state,
"Click HERE".

"Click" on Images to enlarge.

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